Pro. tips: starting with the right note

If any part of a song had to be chosen, then the beginning of a song would be voted as the trickiest part to get right. Just like professional athletes, singers must have the perfect start for a race. Indeed, it's the first obstacle to a good performance, and a wrong start can lead to awkward situations.

Like an unprepared muscle, when the larynx is tight the first note can sound weaker, and you'll usually reach your full tone on the second or third note.

If you can't warm-up before singing, then here are some helpful tips to be prepared.

First of all, a song starts with an instrumental intro most of the time, which will help you prepare for your first line. Sing the first note in your head, imagining the note coming our of your mouth, and "feel" the shape it will form and how you'll need to open your mouth.

Bear in mind it would be a mistake to anticipate too much. You would probably end up holding your breath while waiting for the song to start, and this would cause a higher level of stress (which leads to a tight larynx). First, stabilize your breathing, and empty / fill your lungs completely one last time before singing the first note. Anticipate it a little bit, and start with a strong and full tone directly (don't hold it, begin with confidence). Your tone should come out sharp and clear.

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